Monday, January 28, 2013

Just an Observation


In my living room, I have a seven foot tall Majestic Palm. It adds beauty to the living space for my family and guests to enjoy. It's green palms flowing in every direction, reaching out like fingers. It retrieves carbon dioxide from the air, and fortifies our breathable air with pure oxygen. Such a wonderful creation.

Every week, I water this Majestic Palm. At  first I gave this plant to much water and it’s palms started to turn a sickly yellow. Sometimes I would forget to water the plant and the palms would turn brown and start to die. Now, I have adjusted the amount of water, just giving what the plant needs, and it is flourishing.

Plants and trees in nature flourish from what the Earth and nature provides, and it flourishes without interference from humanity. the same goes for the animals and all of creation. I have pets at home that my family and I are in charge of, and also have needs that they have that must be met to prevent their suffering and untimely death.

What this shows me is that when I take charge of something like my children, my pets, my plants, etc.… I must provide their needs selfishlessly, remembering not to over provide. I am in a “leadership” position.

To be a great leader, I must be selfish less,  have restraint,  see every charge as the same (no favorites), seek wisdom from a higher power, dependable, have a strong character, commitment,competence….

All the qualities of Tao.





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